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Data migration notes[edit | edit source]

Filemaker did not have a "Donors" Type as such. Some people were marked as Supporters within Filemaker, and there was also a separate spreadsheet of donors.

Filemaker had a "Supporter?" tick-box, and also a "Supporter from date" field that appeared when the box was ticked. It was a bit hit and miss as to which was used, and it appears to have been possible to tick the "Supporter?" box, fill in a "Supporter from date", and then un-tick the box again, meaning that people might have data in either field, or both, or neither.

To simplify things, any member who had any data in either field was made a Donor (as well as a Client) in Charitylog. All of these people were also marked as "Friends". This may turn out to be an incorrect assumption, but the numbers of records involved aren't massive, so it won't take long to fix post-migration if so.