Activities And Events

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Activities and Events is a big project, covering all of the trips as well as lunch clubs and other clubs.

Capturing information[edit | edit source]

When clients first get involved, a Referral and Contacts will be used to capture the back-and-forth communication with them. See Recording Contacts for details of this.

Once we know that they are going to attend a group/go on a trip/etc, they can be added to the membership of groups/trips/activities from the Record a Contact screen.

Adding to cc.gif

Once they start actually attending something, the Clubs and Clinics module will be used. The Client needs to be made a member of the relevant Club/Clinic, then added to a future Attendance. Once the event has happened, the Attendance can be completed, and the appropriate information entered to show which clients did or didn't attend.

In most cases, the Clubs and Clinics module will then back-fill the Contact History tab with entries to show when the member attended, or failed to attend.

Referral closure[edit | edit source]

Referrals in the Activities and Events project will stay open unless there's good reason to close them, so Clients will tend to have only one Referral to the project.

Reasons for closure might be:

  • Client passed away
  • Client moved home

There are reports that will show referrals open, but with no Contacts, in a time period. These reports could be used to identify people who no longer attend, and either check up on the client or close their Referral.

Configuring Clubs & Clinics for Activities and Events[edit | edit source]

Because Activities and Events is such a big project, covering so many different things, the staff that run the project will regularly need to create new Clubs & Clinics and configure them appropriately. Therefore we need to look at all the options for configuration. As you get used to the system, you will get to know what's important and what isn't - but we need to start by covering everything.

General Details tab[edit | edit source]

Occurrence Details tab[edit | edit source]

Marking non-attendances[edit | edit source]

Non-attendances and cancellations sometimes matter, and sometimes don't.

For big trips, concerts, and things that have a definite capacity, they are really important, because

  • someone cancelling is freeing up a space that someone else can use
  • someone not attending has used up (and presumably not paid for) a space that could have been used by someone else.

For drop-ins, non-attendances and cancellations don't even exist. We have no idea of who will turn up on any given day, and probably no commitment from members to attend, so there is no such thing.

In between these two are the groups where half of the group are regulars and then the other half are made up of people who come and go. These need to be set up on a case-by-case basis.

Attendance Details tab[edit | edit source]

Member Details tab[edit | edit source]

Waiting List tab[edit | edit source]

Past Members tab[edit | edit source]

Completed Meetings tab[edit | edit source]

Incomplete Meetings tab[edit | edit source]