HSCA read-only logins

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For the dementia services, Beth required the HSCAs to be able to log in with a "read-only" account, to see how the clients that they refer are getting on.

This means that each HSCA needs a login, BUT we don't want all of these HSCAs to be listed on the "who is going to do this Action?" list. So, there is a bit of a fudge/hack to achieve this. The process for creating an HSCA user with a read-only login is:

1. Create the User and name it appropriately. In "Create New Org/Person Record or Link to Existing?" select Create New, and create a Professional.

2. Limit their Project access :

  • full access to Dementia-related Projects
  • able to refer to any Project
  • "hide referrals in History tab" for any non-Dementia-Related Projects

3. Put them in the "HSCAs" Group

4. Save the User. Then re-open the record and click through to the related (newly created) Professional record for that User.

5. Make the Professional inactive.

Making the Professional inactive means they don't show up in the lists of people to assign Actions to, but because the User record is still active, the HSCA can still log in.