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Charitylog Terminology:

A Referral is a "piece of work", which has an opening date and a closing date (and therefore a duration). Essentially, Referral is the Charitylog term for what you'd usually call a Case.

A Contact is an individual activity which is linked to a Referral. This could be any sort of activity - taking a phone call, writing an email, a meeting with the Member, and so on (Confusingly, a Contact could be something where you do not in fact have any contact with the Member). Contacts sit within Referrals. You can't store a Contact without attaching it to a Referral. A Referral can have one or many Contacts.

An Action is a reminder or a task, sent to someone (can be you, or another user of the system). Actions show up in two places:

  • On the Action List of the user nominated to do the Action
  • On the Contact History tab of the Member that the Action relates to

Actions are "cleared" by storing a Contact against them.

"New Referral" button[edit source]

On every Member's page, there is a "New Referral" button in the top right hand corner.

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This should only be used if you're sure that you want to start recording a new Referral (a new "piece of work", a new "case" etc). It's best to check the Contact History tab to see what Referrals are there already.

Buttons on the Contact History tab[edit source]

Extra Info[edit source]

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The Extra Info button appears at the top of Referrals in the Contact History tab. It lets you record a Contact on an existing Referral. Optionally, you can also create an Action at the same time.

This is the button to use if you want to record the fact that you've done something within an ongoing piece of work. It's the most commonly-used button.

Further Action[edit source]

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The Further Action button appears at the top of Referrals in the Contact History tab. It lets you create an Action linked to that Referral.

This is the button to use if you only want to set up a task or reminder, but don't want to record any "work done".

Update[edit source]

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The Update button appears on Actions, and therefore is found in two places:

  • On the Action List of the user nominated to do the Action
  • On the Contact History tab of the Member that the Action relates to