Memory Café
The Memory Cafe is run by Mandy, with Michelle helping on the transport side of things.
There is one Project that oversees both Memory Cafes (North and South) - they are set up as separate Clubs/Clinics.
Volunteers attend the Memory Cafe, so their attendance needs to be counted. Unfortunately Charitylog doesn't have anything like "roles for people attending clubs and clinics" so I've used the Treatments And Activities feature for this.
Members who are going to access the Memory Cafe need to be given a Referral to the Project, and they need to be added to the membership of the relevant Memory Cafe (North or South).
--video for this - adding clients to the memory cafe part 1--
Then, on the Memory Cafe screen, the following information should be entered:
- On the membership card: transport method
- On the membership card: anything relevant in the "Member's Membership Notes" box - "Call To Remind" if it's a client that needs reminding, enter "volunteer" if they are a volunteer.
- On the next incomplete meeting: book them in, and tick "Member" or "Volunteer" as appropriate.
--video for this - adding clients to the memory cafe part 2--
The meeting is now ready to run. On the morning of the meeting, several of the members need a reminder phone call. There is a template for recording this.
--video for this - recording reminder phone calls--
Charitylog can be used to produce registers and transport lists for the group. However, there is an issue at the moment in that
- the treatments and activities don't output on the register (this is a bug)
- we only want to show members' initials to the bus driver, not full names. I will put in a development request to Charitylog for this, as it would be a useful feature. In the meantime I will provide an Excel template which Mandy can use to create the transport list.