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The Befriending service links volunteers and Members. Regular befriending visits then happen; the volunteer "checks in" occasionally with their manager to let them know how things are going, but by and large the volunteer will not report back on successful visits. They are more likely to report details of changed or unsuccessful visits.

Members receiving services[edit | edit source]

When a Member is to receive Befriending services, the normal Referral/Contacts process should be used. See Recording Contacts for full details. As with most services at AUKC, the Member should be given a Referral right at the start of their involvement with the service, even if they may not actually end up receiving Befriending. We want to count all the people who are referred, even the ones that are found to be unsuitable.

Referral structure and referral closure[edit | edit source]

If Members do access the Befriending service, we hope that this will be for a long period of time, so Members will only have one Referral (unlike I&A etc where Members have lots of Referrals, one per issue). If a Member is accessing Befriending and their visits go on hold, it's not necessary to close the Referral - just stop the activity on the Roster Plan and then restart it at the appropriate time (more on this below).

Rostering[edit | edit source]

To count visits to Members, the Rostering module will be used. The first visit to be rostered will probably be an initial visit by the coordinator.