Adding fields (using Extension Databases where necessary)

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Sometimes you will want to add a field to Organisation/People records in Charitylog. Let's use the example of volunteers who, for whatever reason, cannot push wheelchairs. You might want to have a simple field that flags this up to users of the system.

Disclaimer: there are many different ways you could actually do this, and the right one to choose will depend on how your system is set up. We're going to assume that you've considered things like Groups And Skills, Matching Exclusions, etc, and have decided that a simple single field is the way to go. If in doubt, check with whoever's in charge of your system before continuing.

Charitylog includes a lot of fields as standard and many will probably be turned off in your system, so it may be that you can simply turn a standard field on. Generally, standard fields integrate better with reports than custom ones, so it's worth checking.

Click on the "cog" in the top right hand corner of the screen (the admin menu" and then choose either of the "Orgs and People" sub-menus and click "Customize Orgs and People".

Aukc fields 1.png

The different Types of Organisations and People are listed down the left hand side and then the columns across the top are:

  • Rename: change the name of that Type
  • View/Edit Tabs: add, remove or rename the Tabs across the top of Details screens (History, Summary, Personal Details, etc)
  • View/Edit Fields: turn standard fields on or off (this is the one we're interested in)
  • Minimum Data Sets: allows you to specify exactly which standard fields should be filled in when someone is added to the system or to a particular Project [currently only available for Clients; Charitylog say they will add the other Types in a later release]
  • View/Edit Links: add or remove the links at the bottom of the Details screens
  • Activate/Deactivate: turn this Type on or off across the whole system

Click on the "Edit Fields" button for Volunteers.

You'll now see this screen:

File:Aukc fields 2.png

This shows all the standard fields that are available for Volunteers.